im deciding to use this weird colour for today's bloggy~
llalala heres my lil alphabet theories that i follow in my life currently
Always let the other person make the move
Believe in myself even if im failing
Cook for myself when im hungry
Destroy pests around the house because im evil
Eat anything u can find whenever ur friend 'tummy' is calling
Fcuk life when depress
Give mummy a hug
Have a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCUP during hwk doing
Instruct my lil brother so he can learn the good things from me
Jiggle with phillip kang ji ho
Knowing what is right to do instead of following wat others think
Listen to mummy, shes always right
Money can control the work, it is everything
Never tell someone u hate them
Ownage but keep siolent
Pretend you dont no anything so ppl wont pick on u
Queer is the last solution
Random is what makes a funny guy
Sing.. that explains everything
Think about the person i love
Under estimate the people you hate
Virginity only has a first
Wank with friends when bored xD
X-files will make you smarter
Young and dangerous is old school, grow up
Zebra is also my favourite pet :)
for everyone, this alphabet is different but yeh, if u dont like it, too bad xP thats me buhahaha..
anyways. i finished 3 fcuking assignments today~ so SCK ME OFF SCHOOL U CAN GO DIE!!!!!
1 more assignemt , 2 exam left and imma done for high school~.
Song Of the Day: Ft Island - I Hope
Nelson's UpDaTe:
-eating oranges.. my fav fruit
-exited for P's
-extremely bored
-even mum calls me baby boy :)